Saturday, January 23, 2010

Perfect 10 update #3

It's been a busy week - difficult but getting better. Last night was the visitation for the dear friend we lost on Jan 13th. Today is the funeral. It is hard to face, but I know I must put it behind after today and move forward.
My oldest daughter will be 16 in just 10short days. My focus now turns to her party and car shopping. Hopefully both will be relatively easy!

1. Continue loosing minimum 5lbs. per month - down 4lbs for Jan so far!
2. To be a better blogger - post at least 3x's a week - working hard on this one
3. Measure inches once a month - DONE
4. Do weights 3 days a week - DONE
5. Continue Daily Food Journal - DONE
6. Start scuba diving again - told my husband I would go for sure this spring!
7. Run at least 3 - 5K's in 2010 - in progress
8. Go to an amusement park with my family - and RIDE the rides!
9. Go to a water park with my family - and WEAR a swimsuit (no t-shirts on top)
10. Complete the entire 9week "Couch to 5K" program - on hold due to injury

Random Fact #3
Feb 26, 1996 I was in a horrible car wreck which took almost a year to recover from
Feb 26, 1999 I met my current wonderful husband, who again changed my life (for the better)


  1. I SO want to go to a water park lately too!
    I keep thinking what a fun way to spend a day with my family charging up a hill and then playing all the way down. Come to think of it I like and hour from snow I guess the winter version might be sledding??? oh but I so love sunny days and warm water.

    I found a non "swimming" suit that makes me look hot even if it is not as functional to do butterfly in.

  2. My son is 17...have fun with the party and car shopping :)

  3. Looks like you are on track with your Perfect Ten goals! Good for you!

  4. February 26th is a big day for you - one way or the other.

    Good work so far Angie!


Who did you choose today?