Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Never been called a cheater!

Yesterday when I arrived to water aerobics class (after a week break) my instructor asked if I was cheating on her! LOL...that's a first. I'd never been accused of such thing - haha!

I attend water aerobics like a faithful worshipper. I never miss classes. I often take two a day. So when 5 days past and she didn't see me, she just assumed I was off visiting around and checking out the competition at other classes..lol.

I informed her I wasn't...I've attended religiously and felt after 6 months non-stop I deserved a week off, so I went on water aerobic vacation! It was nice to be back in my grove yesterday and I'm actually even sore!


  1. I have a friend who teaches water aerobics. She has asked me a few times to come to her class but I'm just ready to let her see me in my bathing suit.

  2. I have not tried water aerobics. Sounds fun.


Who did you choose today?